Kort fortalt så fins det Erfa Thyroid å få
Både i UZSSA, her, og i England.
Her er en oppdatert
bruksanvisning på hvordan reseptene i England skal skrives. Merk at de får Thyroid på blå resept i England, og har gjort i mange år etter at pasientgrupper organiserte seg og kontaktet myndighetene. BTF, som jo er en støtte-og pengeinnsamlingsgruppe for BTA som er leger, støtter ikke bruken av Thyroid samme hva.
"Then in mid-August 2009, the announcement came from both Forest Pharmaceuticals
and RLC Labs that there would be a backorder of all desiccated thyroid products.
RLC released a target date of 90 days but as of this point Forest has yet to
project its release date. The reason that was given for this backorder was a
nationwide shortage of raw material ( Thyroid USP ) which is manufactured by
American Laboritories, Inc.
As would be expected in this situation, patients fearful that they would be
forced to once again take Synthetic T4 only medication. The same medication
that had not worked for them previously. All the while knowing the suffering
that accompanied it, they began to try to stockpile their medication. The situation
could be likened to the run on the banks in the great depression. Panic ensued
as more and more found that pharmacists were not able to obtain their prescriptions.
Many being told that it was being discontinued.
Rumors began to circulate that the FDA had decided to eliminate all desiccated
thyroid products. This was fueled by pharmacist and doctors alike. But the final
blow to this rumour was when MEDCO, a major mail order pharmacy, released a
notice to doctors suggesting that no natural desiccated thyroid drugs were available
and that the FDA intended to take these drugs off the market. ( See Mary Shomon's
Blog Aug 6, 2009 ) . MEDCO defended itself stating that they were contacted
by manufacturers with this information. ( More information ) "
http://www.fda.gov/ICECI/EnforcementActions/WarningLetters/ucm136661.htm FDA sitt brev til Time Caps slik at de måtte slutte å produsere Thyroid. De og Major var ikke grandfathered in, slik at FDA kunne gå løs på dem. Nature-throid og Westhroid og Armour er som kjent grandfatered in.
Men FDA har også nylig skrevet at de anser at ingen medisiner kan være grandfathered in lenger siden de antar at alle har gått gjennom forandringer på en eller annen måte, være det innhold, pakken, indikasjoner eller pakningsvedlegget.
http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/2009/08/28/the-fda-has-spoken/ 28.august 09 og FDA sier at de ikke vil stoppe Armour og Nature-throid (men ingen ahr sett noen Nature-throid ennå nå i februar etter)
http://www.metabolism.com/2009/02/12/attacks-armour-thyroid/ masse kommentarer her
http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=121680434089&topic=10470 gjenpart av epost fra FDA