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http://www.tidsskriftet.no/pls/lts/PA_LT.VisSeksjon?vp_SEKS_ID=1365847 Ny artikkel nå, april 06 i legetidsskriftet av Johan Moan om vitamin D. Dessverre skriver han ikke noen konkrete tall for hva blodverdiene skal være eller hvor mye man skal  ta. Kommer nok senere. Han er mere opptatt av at man skal få dekket sitt behov via sol eller solarium.

http://forums.obgyn.net/endo/ENDO.9808/0477.html interessant om kalcium, fosfor og magnesium samt vitamin D

http://www.dagbladet.no/dinside/2006/04/05/462862.html Dagbladet artikkel april 06 D-vitamin mot brystkreft
Natural sunlight destroys breast cancer tumors through creation of Vitamin D
funnet på http://www.webseed.com/vitamin_D.html  
http://www.aacr.org/Default.aspx?p=1066&d=603 Her er kunngjøringen fra AACR som avisartiklene er basert på.

http://www.vg.no/pub/vgart.hbs?artid=166017 april 06 Johan Moan sier at solarium er sunt

Vitamin D brukt i kliniske forsøk, her for å helbrede prostatakreft

http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/500874?src=search dansk artikkel om vitamin D og eldre
"In this review I describe vitamin D-related problems among the elderly, essentially focusing on the definition and prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and the effects of vitamin D on risks of falling, osteoporosis and fractures."Vitamin D and the Elderly

http://www.vitamindcouncil.com/ forkjempere for å fremme viten om Vitamin D.
www.ajcn.org har gjort artikler om vitamin D gratis tilgjengelig, siden de synes det er så viktig.

Jeg tror det er dem eller Holick eller Vieth som Trevor Marshall kaller " Vitamin D Zealots":

Her er diverse fra www.sarcinfo.com og www.marshallprotocol.com , det er en pasientgruppe, de med sarcoidose, som absolutt ikke tåler vitamin D.
http://sarcinfo.com/phorum/read.php?f=1&i=21895&t=21895 om hypervitaminosis D, symptomer
http://www.marshallprotocol.com/forum2/2572.html   mer interessant om abnormal vitamin D-metabolisme.
De hevder at vitamin D ikke er noe vitamin og at man ikke trenger det.
De forteller også at de blir truet av "vitamin D zealots" og at vitenskapelige magasiner blir truet til ikke å trykke artikler av Marshall eller noen som sier at de med sarcoidisme og lign. ikke tåler vitamin D.
"The difficulties inherent in publishing new information about Vitamin D metabolism Ddifflink
There are a dearth of papers published which describe the immunosuppressive effects of Vitamin D. The people who really know, like Prof Tony Norman, for example, have gotten so much hostility from the clinical medicine folks that they tend to focus on esoteric Biochemistry topics, and avoid clashes with the Vitamin D zealots.
I myself received a threat immediately I started talking about high doses of Vitamin D being harmful. A high-powered, Vitamin-D-advocating University Professor said that he and his colleagues would write to the Editors of any journals which dared to publish any of my research and tell them what a jerk I was. So publishing in this topic is no game, it is big-league. There are a lot of reputations, and money, which will sink when the true behaviour of Vitamin-D supplementation becomes understood.
Joyce Waterhouse, together with several of us, has written a chapter for a new textbook called "Vitamin D: New Research." It won't be printed for another several months, unfortunately, as this would give your physician much of the data on Vitamin D's actions which he/she seeks. The full citation is:
Waterhouse JC, Marshall TG, Fenter B, Mangin M, Blaney G: High levels of active 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D despite low levels of the 25-hydroxyvitamin D precursor - Implications of dysregulated vitamin D for disgnosis and treatment of Chronic Disease. In Vitamin D: New Research. Volume 1. Edited by: Stoltz VD. New York: Nova Science Publishers; 2006. ISBN: 1-60021-000-7"
"Does 1,25 D play a role in intracellular calcium concentration?(filelink)
1,25-D does not control intracellular calcium. Here's a summary on this topic from Dr. MM Kahn and Dr. Joan P Desborough:
Intracellular calcium is involved in many intracellular responses to chemical and electrical stimuli and required by many enzymes for full activity. It is controlled by calcium binding proteins; the two best known are troponin and calmodulin. Troponin is involved in muscle contraction, and calmodulin causes configurational changes to proteins and enzyme activation.
Intracellular calcium levels are much lower than outside cells. Calcium entry via specific channels leads to direct effects, e.g. neurotransmitter release in neurones, or further calcium release from intracellular organelles, for example in cardiac and skeletal muscle."

Andre interessante synspunkter om D-vitamin og PTH, at lavt D-vitamin er kroppens forsvar mot høyt PTH, som jo kommer at parathyreoidea-svulst:
http://www.parathyroid.com/low-vitamin-d.htm Budskapet er at alle deres pasienter som hadde lavt D-vitamin og som ble operert, da gikk D-vitaminnivået opp av seg selv etterpå. At kroppen beskytter seg mot høyt blodkalsium ved å senke D-vitaminnivået. Interessant. Og referanseområdene for PTH er i følge ajcn.org for høyt, det er for mange syke i grunnlaget for normale verdier.

 http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter/vitamins/vitaminD/index.html Linus Pauling Institute

http://www.merck.com/mrkshared/mmanual/section1/chapter3/3d.jsp Merck Manual om Vitamin D

En veterinærside om vitamin D, forklarer bruken av aktivt vitamin D (Rocaltrol) ved nyresykdommer:

http://www.mercola.com/2001/oct/13/vitamin_d.htm Women with breast cancer are twice as likely to have a fault in the gene required to make use of vitamin D. Experts already believe vitamin D protects against breast cancer and in some forms may even be used to shrink existing tumors. Now research in London suggests that women with genetic variations (polymorphisms) of the vitamin D receptor gene may be less able to benefit from this protective effect.

http://www.mercola.com/2000/may/28/sunlight_m_s.htm Vitamin D og MS. I Norge har vi verdens høyeste forekomster av MS og hoftebrudd. Det siste ynder vi å kalle en gåte. I resten av verden mener man at hoftebrudd kommer av mangel på kalk og D-vitaminer (=solskinn).

http://www.bupa.co.uk/health_information/html/health_news/261103vitd.html Hot topic - Vitamin D, sunlight and cancer   men merk at de bare har 25µg tillatt i England.
I Tromsø gir Rolf Jorde nå 150µg/dag  til pasienter.

http://www.nordlys.no/nyheter/article1892037.ece Artikkel i Nordlys hvor Rolf Jorde gir 150µg vitamin D3 til forsøkspersoner. Det er 6000IE. Det er fremdeles litt mindre enn antatt dagsforbruk, som nå er antatt til 7000IE. Dette kommer selvsagt fra sollys.

http://www.tidsskriftet.no/pls/lts/PA_LT.VisSeksjon?vp_SEKS_ID=1207134 1000mg kalsium og 800 IE vitamin D gis til utsatte pasientgrupper (pasienter på glukokortikoider)

Andre som samler på vitamin D-artikler og linker:

http://forum.lowcarber.org/showthread.php?t=215413&page=1&pp=15&highlight=Vitamin+Experiment veldig interessant diskusjon om D-vitamin, de har samlet mange flere linker enn jeg noen gang kommer til å klare. Se også



Fra en posting på Lowcarber forumet:

By John Jacob Cannell, M.D.Executive director of The Vitamin D Council

1. If an otherwise healthy adult tried to kill himself by taking an entire bottle (250 capsules) of 1,000 iu cholecalciferol, which of the following would happen?

a) The person would die within 24 hours from severe hypercalcemia and widespread calcinosis.
b) If the person received intensive treatment for hypercalcemia he may survive.
c) Hypercalcemia would be severe but require only supportive treatment.
d) Such doses are called "Stoss" therapy and are occasionally used therapeutically although they do not replicate normal physiology. As most Americans are vitamin D deficient, such a one-time dose would probably be a health benefit for the majority of Americans.

The correct answer is d. One of the most recent examples is the use of stoss therapy to reduce fracture rates in the elderly (100,000 IU of oral cholecalciferol every four months for five years) by Dr. Trivedi and colleagues (University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine) published in the British Medical Journal. How high do you think average 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels were in the subjects after they received 100,000 IU of cholecalciferol every four months for five years? Answer: about 29 ng/ml, still mildly deficient! (Source)

2. Acute poisoning leading to rapid death from ingestion of vitamin d capsules (successful suicide attempt),

a) Has frequently been reported in the literature.
b) Has occasionally been reported in the literature
c) Has never been reported in the literature.

The answer is C, as far as we know. If you know of a report of a successful suicide attempt, accidental death or murder from overdosing on vitamin D supplements, let us know. We do know of one interesting case that demonstrates the relative safety of vitamin D. Industrial strength crystalline vitamin D was added to table sugar, either by accident or on purpose. The two men poisoned were getting about 1,700,000 IU of cholecalciferol every day for seven months. Again, they were getting at least, 1,700,000 units [440 times the Institute of Medicine's toxicity warning (LOAEL)] every day for seven months! Both got very sick but recovered. (Source)

3. True of false: water has a higher (safer) therapeutic index (the median lethal dose divided by the median effective dose) than cholecalciferol?

a) True
b) False
c) About the same

The answer is b. Although exact human studies have never been done for obvious ethical reasons, water intoxication leading to hyponatremia, cerebral edema and occasional death is common in psychiatric populations and may become evident if one drank 80 glasses of water a day, instead of eight. Heaney, et al, recently showed healthy humans utilize about 4,000 IU of cholecalciferol a day, if they can get it. 40,000 IU a day is certainly not acutely toxic. In fact, some research reported that young white humans get up to 50,000 IU from one full body summer sun exposure. (Source)

4. If a person totally avoided the sun and regularly took two standard multivitamins a day for several years, each containing 400 iu of ergocalciferol, as his sole source of vitamin d, he would,

a) Rapidly become vitamin D toxic and require medical attention for symptoms of hypercalcemia.
b) Slowly become vitamin D toxic and eventually become symptomatic.
c) Slowly develop hypervitaminosis D but remain asymptomatic.
d) Obtain a healthful vitamin D blood level.
e) Inexorably become vitamin D deficient.
The answer is e. Two standard multivitamins contain 800 IU of ergocalciferol, equivalent to about 500 IU of cholecalciferol. If you totally avoided the sun, as many dermatologists routinely recommend with impunity (so far), one would have enough vitamin D to prevent rickets and osteomalacia but would still have a suboptimal 25-hydroxyvitamin D and thus be at risk to develop numerous other chronic inflammatory diseases, not just osteoporosis. For a review of such illnesses, see Zittermann. (Source)

The key is "totally avoided the sun." Remember, most people get 90 percent of their vitamin D requirement from very casual sun exposure, like the sunlight that strikes the uncovered and unsunblocked face, arms and hands when you walk to your car. Vitamin D production in the skin is that fast. Of course, some people follow their doctor's advice and take obsessive steps to prevent sunlight from ever striking their unprotected skin. A host of chronic inflammatory diseases may await the patients who follow such advice, just as trial lawyers may await the doctors that give it.